Saturday, May 15, 2021

Why is sentiment analysis useful?

 To conclude when you explain sentiment analysis, it’s worth mentioning why it’s so useful.

For example, the use of real-time sentiment analysis can help improve the quality, satisfaction and consistency of the customer experience. Gaining a real-time view of how customers are feeling allows support agents to adapt their responses accordingly. The result is a consistent human touch with empathetic, emotionally intelligent responses.

Sentiment analysis also gives you a chance to put out small fires before they become big problems. Whether it’s in a support session, over social media, or within a review, sentiment analysis flags up negative sentiment about your brand. With this, businesses gain the opportunity to address concerns and complaints. (All before they are blown out of proportion.)

Sentiment analysis give businesses insight into the overall perception of their brand. They can track how satisfied their customers are. They can identify opportunities for upselling and case studies. When businesses follow up their sentiment analysis results with action, they stand to gain a lot.


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